Monday, March 31, 2008


"I don't see anything, only lopsided v's." LOL. Somebody actually said that while asked to telnet into a machine. Overheard.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Game plan

  • Filter. Focus my efforts in one area and stick to it until completion.
  • Be positive because my mind creates my reality.
  • Know how to prioritize. For example, concentrate on and finish the project on hand first and then only start thinking about rearranging the living area or worrying about being a bag lady and so on.
  • Stop procrastinating. Tackle the most difficult task first and stop devising excuses not to do something. Such as blogging while I should be studying like right now.
  • Be open to new possibilities. Make it a point to always continue learning. Push myself outside of my comfort zones.
  • Set aside a fixed time(s) during the day/night to think wandering thoughts that enter my mind all through out the day so that they do not distract me while I should be focusing on something else.
  • Always believe I will be a better/more successful person than what I am today.
  • Be consciously kind to a stranger at least once a day.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Does life happen or do you make it happen?

not so sure. i am stuck in between. back from my vacation. always depressing to be back. in a few years i would have lived half of my life away from home. there's something wrong with that picture. time for a change. every immigrant eventually goes back to his/her roots or at least as close as one can get to it. i no longer like to feel uprooted, wandering aimlessly through concrete jungles.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Howling wind and a few stray cats (quasi adopted by my neighbor across the small patch of concrete and grass separating our buildings ) yelping. Must they always sound like dyspeptic babies?? Especially in the middle of the night or early morning should I say when one hopes to be one with their thoughts or homeworks in this case savoring a frame in time when neighbors are mostly non existent and I only should have to deal with interruptions from my dog who snores like my grandmum used to.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Yet again

Trashed my old posts. Changed templates to dark and broody. Very fetching in the current mood of learning DES and AES. Now I must go and grasp the logic behind it all including finite fields. I did once I think, grasp it all that is. But memory can play tricks on you.